

After I entered into the postcrossing’s website, signed up, and clicked the icon “send a postcard”, I felt a little nervous. Because I didn’t know who will be the receiver of my postcard, and which country the receiver lives in.

Just waited for about thirty seconds, the computer showed the receiver’s profile. When I read the information of the receiver, my heart beat so fast that I even could not breathe. Because I can’t believe that my postcard’s receiver and I have many things in common. We both like to read novels, sing beautiful songs, and dance. It is really difficult for me to find a person who has many things in common with me in my life, so I think I am lucky.

My postcard’s receiver is a girl who lives in Russia, likes her country a lot, and likes to read novels. She asked me to teach her some Chinese words, so I decided to teach her “ . I consider that is not only meaningful , but also the most beautiful word in the world. I also recommended her the book “The Happy Huger Game.” “The


Happy Hunger Game” is a good book for teenagers to read because the main characters are teenagers like me and my postcard’s receiver, and the main characters faced their challenges bravely. I think it is good for teenagers to learn facing challenges bravely, so I recommended it.

Postcrossing” is a excellent project for me to do, and play because it can bring me a lot of happiness. So I think I will keep play, and do this project. I was writing my postcard to my receiver.




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