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很多人都想要有一口道地的英文,到底怎麼做才能夠擺脫中式英文的困境呢? 接下來菜老師把提供給12班同學建議與大家分享。

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Stepping onto the TED or TEDx stage — or speaking in front of any group of people, for that matter — is truly nerve-wracking. Will you remember everything you wanted to say, or get so discombobulated that you skip over major points? Will the audience be receptive to your ideas, or will you notice a guy in row three nodding off to sleep?

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2011-07-27 親子天下雜誌 12期 文/許芳菊

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"I'll say!"
"Tell me about it"
"You don't say"
"Break a leg"

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整理‧撰文 / 韋惟珊
簡報 powerpoint 《經理人月刊》第122期 簡報觀念

「幾乎所有PowerPoint簡報都像臭掉了的雞蛋一樣,讓人難以下嚥。」行銷大師賽斯・高汀(Seth Godin)在《糟糕透頂的PowerPoint簡報》(暫譯,《Really Bad PowerPoint: and how to avoid it》)中指出,投影片是為了輔助觀眾接受你的觀點,幫助他們了解你的心情、感受和意見,如果只是做出一份詳列事實和圖表的檔案,那乾脆取消上台或會議,寫份報告送去就好。

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閱讀好處多 一起來看看科學如何證明閱讀的好處 =D


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check it out!


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This is Jenny. There is an interesting video that my private English teacher introduced to me. I think this really is a meaningful one because it can teach us not only English but also an useful lesson. The title of it is “The Power of Empathy.” Literally, it’s a lesson about the difference between ‘empathy’ and ‘sympathy’. In dictionaries, they’re translation might seem to be the same, but actually they are totally different. If you don’t know exactly what they means, be sure to check out this video. Well, in fact, whether you know these words or not, I suggest all of you to watch it if you’re available.

It’s a short and funny video but it teaches a lot.  


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