
This video includes the past six months what I've experienced from postcrossing this website.

There's my feedback and the postcards I've received inside.

Hope you'll like it!



松少です 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


This video includes the past six months what I've experienced from postcrossing this website.

There's my feedback and the postcards I've received inside.

Hope you'll like it!



松少です 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


This video includes the past six months what I've experienced from postcrossing this website.

There's my feedback and the postcards I've received inside.

Hope you'll like it!



松少です 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


This video includes the past six months what I've experienced from postcrossing this website.

There's my feedback and the postcards I've received inside.

Hope you'll like it!



松少です 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This a video that I made.  2014 Postcrossing: 吳庭妤 (蘭陽女中78屆語資班,lygsh112, No.4) 



It shows photos that I received and sent.  

In the video, you can know my thoughts that I have about this project in the past 6 months.


南楓同學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

postcrossing - 20  postcrossing - 17  

Wow! I’ve received 11 postcards already.


122 days ago, my English teacher told us a special website, Postcrossing. She said we can use this website to send postcards to someone who lives in another country.

postcrossing - 41  


南楓同學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



After I sent my first postcard, I felt a little confused. Will the postcard arrive to Germany? I asked to myself. Those days, I sometimes think of its trace. Will it got lost? I wondered it. Thus, I kept worried about it until I got the response from Germany. When I saw the Distance that my postcard had treaveled, I  was really amazed about it. However, I didn't feel as comfort as I think because it reminded me that I hadn't got any postcard from any person! 




沙織姐接 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

      Few month ago, my English teacher asked me to do a project, “Happy Postcrossing”. At first time, I think I can’t do it, because I’m not good at English. And I don’t know how to write postcard.

But few weeks latter, I found Postcrossing is so great. I can make many friends from different countries. And I can learn many things from postcards. They told me a lot of culture of their countyies on the postcards. And some of them invited me to visit their country.But I don’t have enough money.


To my surprise, I received 11 postcards. They all came from different countries. My favorite picture of the postcard is came from Czech Republic. The picture is THE LORD of THE RINGS which is my favorite movie. And another from the U.S, is my favorite postcard. Though she didn’t write many things, I still like it very much. And the wruter, Sam, is so cute. She is only 8 years old. She lived in Las Vegas. Hw said there was so hot and asked me, “ Is Taiwa cool? ” Don’t you think she is so cute?

 You know what? I jest sent a postcard to Anna who is from Rusia. She is also a high school student. She very likes eletric guitars, and I really want to learn how to play it. I think we have the same interest, so maybe we could become friend. But it’s so sad. Why all the adresses are either Germany or Rusia? IMG_20140623_193421[1]


mango063 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


heyheyjoyce 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The first time I heard about this activity, my excitement was beyond measure. And I was also curious about how it really works. I tried to meet different recipient's expectations, so l spent large quantity of time picking postcards. Besides, I even made postcards with my own hands.

For instance, this is one of my handmade postcards!


I made a birthday card for Vanessa.



amandapan1299 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()