

 I have never sent a postcard before. So I felt a little nervous about this project. Sending a postcard is a way to share great things and beautiful views to your friends when you go abroad. I first know that sending a postcard can also be a way to make friends - some foreigner friends.

When I talk with a foreigner, I 'll be tense and my voise will shake, I tried hard to communicate with foreigners, but as I went face to face with them, my brain usually stopped working, or maybe I just spoke as a robot. I think maybe I can use writing letters to overcome fear of communicate with foreigners. This project is really a great chance to let me practice about how to write a good letter and how to communicate with foreigners unhurriedly.

For the first time sending a postcard, I feel nervous but excited. I am nervous about what if my gramma was wrong, that will be very embarrass. and I'm excited about I can introduce my homeland, beautiful Formosa - Taiwan, to them. Our delicuous food is the most popular in the international. I'm really proud of my country, so I want to share it to my foreigner friends. And the most important thing is that I'll be very glad to get a reply. I hope so.

I look forward to this project, postcrossing, can let me learn a lesson and make some foreigner friends.


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