Grit Lab – Taiwan 是個以結合品格教育與英語語言教育為目標的非營利團體。團隊的發起者蔡惠文,目前現職蘭陽女中英文科教師並於國立台灣師範大學教育心理與輔導所博班課程進修中,她因著對品格教育、課程研究、英語文教學,以及科技融入教學的熱忱,希望透過全台熱血同好教師與研究人員的共同力量、能力與經驗,耕耘台灣的品格教育X語言教學,讓台灣的世代成為世界美好的影響力。








Grit Lab – Taiwan 才剛起步,小小的一步,我們不知道我們能做多少或多好,但是我們會為了台灣的教育努力熱血奮戰!

目前已完成且可分享的課程是:恆毅力(榜樣系列)之 邁向成功之路 (Grit: The Path to Success) 





Grit Lab – Taiwan aims to develop and offer curricula that integrate character education into language education. The head of the Lab, Huei-Wen Tsai, is currently an EFL/ESL teacher in Lan-Yang Girls' Senior High School, Yilan, Taiwan as well as a doctoral student in the department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University. She is passionate about curriculum studies, character education, and ESL/EFL language education, and educational technology. Regarding education as her calling, she started this Lab and strives to make this world a better place through education.

The Lab adopts the Teaching X Research model of cooperation with teachers and researchers. The Lab offers in-service teachers free curricula and teaching materials that have been developed based on theories and teaching experiences and then teachers teach the course in their schools and give their feedback on the implementation.

This model successfully combines teaching and research and more importantly therefore creates a virtuous circle between teaching, research and certainly learning. In this mutually beneficial model, by only choosing and teaching a course that has been well developed, teachers may put more effort in their teaching profession; by receiving feedback from teachers, the Lab may continually refine the course based on the feedback and further research. On the other hand, the Lab may collect the very precious experiences and data from in-service teachers that contribute to better and more helpful-to-the-scene theories.

Simply put, the Teaching X Research model is similar to the concept of cohort and yet what's better, in this model, the precious teaching experiences from different teachers can be collected and put into best use, both for future teaching of the same course and research. In other words, teachers are relieved from the burden of starting from scratch their own curricula amidst all sorts of demanding requirements from schools, and researchers are relieved from collecting data that overloaded practitioners are reluctant to give. Yes, it is a win-win situation. And what's best is that it is a sure-win situation for our students!

If you are inspired in any way after reading this, you are more than welcome to join us. Let's together make a difference in this world through education for our children!

One course in our Role Model series is now available. Grit: The Path to Success

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