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Bible Board Game Reviews: Bible Taboo  

    The board game Bible Taboo is highly recommended by most of the customers in Amazon. Since the rule is rather simple for one to get familiar with it, it is an ideal game that people of all ages can have a great time. To start the game, participants would be divided into groups, and one of the team members would be chosen to pick up one card from the stack. On the top of each card, there is a certain word given. It could be names in Bible, but not so obscure that no one knows who they are. In that way, it’s no need to worry about lacking of adequate information to Bible. Below the certain word, taboo words are listed. To get one point against the opponents, the chosen member should avoid saying the taboo words when describing the certain word to team members. During the guess, time would be limited by an electronic buzzer. Counting down together adds spice to the game, making it more exciting. With the game, we can have a further understanding of Bible as well. While troublesome in describing, the taboo words are helpful in learning. We can get a general grasp about the related words and memorize the key information of each word. In addition, learning to describe a word in different ways is one of the benefits of the game. Viewing things from various aspects promotes our alternative thinking. In short, if you are searching for an interesting and educational board game, Bible Taboo is certainly the game of choice!

    Bible Board Games
    創作者 菜老師的英文教室 的頭像


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